CFA Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month
Meetings will alternate between formal and informal.
Formal meetings will be held on campus at 5:00pm and will consist of discussion and the occasional speaker.
Informal meetings will be held off campus (someones house,a bar, etc.) at 6:30pm. Content may include watching relevant movies, working on projects, or just hanging out.
NEXT MEETING - November 13th
Location: Jon and Hanna's house. (email or call for location)
Time: 6:30
What: We will be watching the Nova special, "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial."
Film Description: The documentary is about the recent Kitzmiller v. Dover trial in which a school board in Pennsylvania tried to insert a creationist text book into the curriculum.
"Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial." TrailerRecap of last meeting
Main Discussion: Goals for the Semester
The topic of our last meeting was focused on establishing a non-believer/rationalist presence on UNO's Campus. We discussed that this was an important thing to do for the following reasons:
Other Topics Discussed:
Finally, we used this first meeting to generate ideas for future meetings, discussions, and activities in which we’d like to engage during the remainder of the Fall semester. Here are some of the things we came up with: